
💼 Business Card

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ProfTehSnab - sale of professional construction tools, equipment and machinery for construction and repair work. Professional construction tools and equipment, Diamond tools and equipment, Equipment for welding plastic pipes, Equipment for welding plastic, Equipment for gas welding, Equipment and tools for cleaning pipes, Equipment for teleinspection of pipelines, Equipment for searching pipelines, Equipment for flooring, Climatic equipment, Threading tools and equipment, Metalworking tools, Plumbing tools, Press tools. The ProfTechSnab company is the official representative of leading global and domestic manufacturers, such as: RIDGID, ROTHENBERGER, KERN, REMS, REED, ROLLER, VIRAX, CEDIMA, DR. SCHULZE, SCHWAMBORN, CONTEC, HUSQVARNA, NUOVA BATTIPAV, ADELE, RITMO, KWH TECH, HURNER SCHWEISSTECHNIK, LEISTER, DOHLE, DYTRON.

Founded: 1999
Registration date: 10.10.2015
Update date: 07.10.2017 [ID: 2369]

Equipment and tools

Price list not posted
Logo ProfTechSnab

123290, Moscow, 2nd Magistralnaya st., 14G, building 1, office. 022

+7 (800) 775 40 55, (495) 777-17-71