
💼 Business Card

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Our company is growing and gaining more and more new fresh ideas. We easily and quickly cope with any type of turnkey apartment renovation - cosmetic, capital, euro, designer, secondary, new buildings, apartments. Fortunately, the work we have completed pleases not only our team of specialists, but also our Customers - many of them recommend us to their family, friends and acquaintances as an organization with a competent approach to performing assigned tasks, responsibly fulfilling its obligations, monitoring the processes of quality service delivery accurately on time. Thanks to an extensive base of building materials suppliers, we can also offer competitive, favorable prices for them, while at the same time we provide a quality guarantee and take full responsibility.

Founded: 2005
Registration date: 23.08.2020
Update date: 23.08.2020 [ID: 2425]

Repair and finishing services

Price list not posted.
Logo Remoli

Moscow, st. Mosfilmovskaya, 74b

+7 (495) 128-73-32